Thursday, February 17, 2011

Life's Big "IF"s

So among many things that I think about on a daily basis, here is one of them... why do women want men so badly??

This might seem like a silly question, but I'm serious...

Especially at this age (a pivotal point for most college relationships... stick with it or fly solo?) why are we so preoccupied with the concept of being with someone else? So here are some potential theories...

1. Companionship, but you know what I say to that... you are never as alone as you may feel... take a look around you, there is a world full of people to be met!

2. Love. Okay, so I don't have a GREAT way to shake this one off, because I recognize that "boyfriend" love is different than the love for your first goldfish or even your family members, but it will come with time... sometime, someday it will be there and just think of how exciting it will be when you finally find/have it.

3. Everyone else is doing it! This has NEVER been a good excuse to do anything... ever.

... and honestly, I could come up with A TRILLION more reasons why people at this age, particularly women want men so much, but I have one really good reason why I don't right now in my life...


The one word that we can't really define, the one thing that only retrospect can truly enlighten. I want time to discover myself, love myself, explore the world, meet a million people and then... only then will I be ready to REALLY want a manfriend.

So I am leaving you with two of my favorite phrases to end this relatively serious post, on which seems to be a relatively ordinary day...

Time takes time.

In order to love someone else you must love yourself first, so that means always taking care of number 1 before adding a 2 to the equation.

Still aren't convince? I guarantee that this video will convince you:

1 comment:

  1. because nothing else in life will hold ever so closely while you fall sleep.
